How can I build a learning and improvement plan as a full-time software engineer?

Sagar Rao
2 min readApr 25, 2022
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

What kind of person do you want to become?

1. First, Focus on Your Core Skills

The first step is to figure out which of your core tech skills are the ones that’ll be constantly needed when you change your career. If you’re a coder or an architect, it’s probably best to focus on those areas first.

2. Then, Pick Books and Course Material

When you know which skills are important, the next step is to figure out what kinds of books and courses are most likely to help you improve.

3. Assess Your Reading and Study Habits

What sorts of things have you been reading in the past? What are you studying in the near to distant future? That may help you narrow down what kind of training you should aim to complete and when.

4. Then, Decide on Learning Style

Finally, identify your style of learning that helps you best learn.

Reading-oriented learners prefer:

• Easy-to-read online courses of about 10–20 pages that include interactive features;

• Small books that can be read and understood in a short amount of time.

Auditory-oriented learners prefer:

• Courses that provide you with audio and/or video lectures, labs, and exams;

• Courses that are at least 30 pages or more.

Visual-oriented learners prefer:

• Courses that include slides and graphics;

• Books with full-color, full-page images.

