Why Pair Programming Is The Best Way To Build Software?

Sagar Rao
3 min readMay 9, 2022
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” — Henry Ford

Pair programming has proven to be one of the most effective ways for software engineers to collaborate. By working side by side with a partner, software engineers can quickly validate design solutions and identify pitfalls before they become established best practices.

Even better, pair programming is a collaborative process rather than a synonym for collaboration. Engineers who work together are not just aware of each other’s inputs, but they’re also able to communicate effectively and seamlessly collaborate on the same tasks.

But Pair programming is not just about being talkative and making yourself known to your teammates. It’s a way of working that requires you to be more self-assured and assertive than you are by yourself.

Pair programming takes collaboration to the next level by requiring the software engineers to work together as a team. There are a variety of reasons why software developers should consider starting to pair program more often. Let’s take a look at four of those reasons.

1. Peer pressure can be a good thing

When you’re working on a difficult problem, it can be tough to push through the frustration and get to a satisfying solution. But if you have a partner, that pressure is suddenly doubled. You don’t want to let your partner down, and you don’t want to be the one who is holding them back.

Pair programming can help developers to better collaborate with each other, which can lead to a more cohesive and effective development team. It also helps strengthen teamwork skills. By working closely with another person, you learn how to better communicate and collaborate with others.

2. You’ll get more done

Software developers are amazing at coming up with clever solutions to tricky problems. But even the best of us can get stuck from time to time. When you’re stuck, your partner can help you get un-stuck. And when you’re coding with someone else, you’re more likely to stay focused, because you don’t want to fall behind.

Pair programming is also faster than doing code reviews alone. If you need to get new features out as fast as possible, then pair programming is a great way to deliver great code and get your team moving in the right direction.

3. You’ll learn more

No one knows everything, and software developers are no exception. Pair programming allows developers to share their knowledge and learn from one another. This is especially beneficial for new developers, who can gain a wealth of knowledge from more experienced developers.

While there is plenty of documentation and help on the forums, some tasks that require code writing are difficult to explain simply as you will use your programming skills to better explain them to yourself and to another person.

4. You’ll make better decisions

When you’re working on a difficult problem, it can be tough to make the right decision. But if you have a partner, you can bounce ideas off each other, and you can get a second opinion on the best way to proceed.

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Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

