4 Reasons Why Test Driven Development and Automated Testing Are Not Same.

Sagar Rao
2 min readApr 26, 2022
Photo by William Felipe Seccon on Unsplash

Test Driven Development (TDD) and Automated Testing are two different practices that are often confused with each other.

In TDD, you write your tests first and then your production code. This helps in testing your tests. Automated Tests don’t follow the same methodology. But testing your tests is accomplished by SDET’s or through code reviewing.

In this article, we will explore the key differences between the two.

1. TDD is a software development practice, while Automated Testing is a quality assurance practice

TDD is a software development practice that helps developers write better code. Automated Testing is a quality assurance practice that helps testers find bugs in software.

2. TDD is focused on creating unit tests, while Automated Testing can be used to create unit tests, integration tests, and system tests

TDD is focused on creating unit tests, which are tests that verify the functionality of individual units of code. Automated Testing can be used to create unit tests, integration tests, and system tests. Integration tests verify the functionality of two or more units of code, while system tests verify the functionality of the entire system.

3. TDD is a feedback-driven process, while Automated Testing is a test-driven process

TDD is a feedback-driven process. This means that developers only write code after they have written a test that fails. Automated Testing is a test-driven process. This means that developers write tests before they write code.

4. TDD is about writing the minimum amount of code to pass a test, while Automated Testing is about writing the most amount of code to cover all possible scenarios

TDD is about writing the minimum amount of code to pass a test. This means that developers only write code after they have written a test that fails. Automated Testing is about writing the most amount of code to cover all possible scenarios. This means that developers write tests before they write code, and that they write as many tests as possible to ensure that all possible scenarios are covered.

Please comment below what you think is the difference between TDD and Automated Tests.

